Press Release

of the Czech Rectors Conference Regarding the Initiative "Higher Education Institutions for Society"

Prague, 5 June 2024 PDF

Last year, at the Czech Rectors Conference (CRC), the Working Group for the Third Role of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) was established, which prepared an initiative called "HEIs for Society". The third role consists in the close connection of HEIs with society in the broadest sense of the word. These are activities of HEIs that help to solve challenges at the regional, national, and also international level. This is done not only through the presentation of significant results of scientific knowledge and values ​​with a societal impact, but also through the transfer of knowledge and technologies in the form of studies, analyses, patents or licenses, establishing spin-off companies, provision of professional services, consultations and research in key areas. The positive impact also applies to the quality of services (social, medical, cultural, etc.).

Czech HEIs educate over 300,000 students and employ almost 60,000 people. However, they are not just educational centers. The society also benefits from research and services that have a positive social impact in all spheres of life. The series of contributions will show a wide range of HEIs of the Czech Republic and the various ways in which they contribute to the development of Czech society. In the coming months, one of more than forty HEIs, public and private, from artistic to technical, will be presented every week. The aim of the initiative is to bring to the wider public the activities of the HEIs, which represent a benefit for society. This can sometimes be less noticeable and quantifiable, but always leads to the prosperity, security and cohesion of the entire society.

Starting on 12 June 2024, one post will be published every week on the CRC social networks
(X and Facebook), which will present a specific project or activity that enriches Czech society in various areas of life. This is a unique initiative within the Czech Republic, which will present the higher education sector as a whole.

Prague, 5 June 2024

On behalf of the Czech Rectors Conference

Prof. Milena Králíčková

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